Thursday, January 19, 2006

Dear friend,

This is a strange thing for me to be doing, but I figure, I have to try. We must try, we must fight for what we believe in, otherwise, what are we doing?

I have been organizing/working for social justice since I went to college in 1999, wow, that was seven years ago. I joined pretty much every social justice organization there was on campus from the environment to labor to children’s rights. And I really haven’t stopped since then.

A little over a year ago, I became involved with an amazing organization: Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). The story is pretty funny really. They were using a desk right next to mine at the American Friends Service Committee, where I was working as the Peace Education Fellow. They joked about getting me fired so they could hire me. After the term of my position ended they finally did hire me for a short term. IVAW is composed of people that have been in the military since September 11, 2001. Some went to Iraq, some are there now, some are conscientious objectors, some are Afghanistan vets, and some fed the war machine from other places. Over the weekend of January 13-15th in 2006, about 35 of the over 200 members gathered together to train to be organizers. These people are the most inspiring and amazing people in this country. They are survivors of war, with post traumatic stress disorder that comes in the forms of: nightmares, incredible guilt, anger, inability to focus, bipolar disorder, anxiety, severe depression, jumping at loud noises, just to name a few. They are also some of the funniest, strongest, most committed, passionate, artistic, beautiful and powerful people I know. We have formed bonds and friendships that I never imagined and that are so wonderful I feel like I’m on fire when I am with them and think about them. I am in love with them, I want to do nothing else but work to support them.

This brings me to you, to ask you to support them, to support me, to support peace in the world and peace in these soldiers’ hearts. Despite all of the “support the troops” ribbons & bumper stickers out there, they are facing budget difficulties. While they would like to continue employing me, they currently don’t have the ability to pay me. We are coming up on the third year of the war, March 19th (2 days before my 25th birthday coincidentally) and these veterans have BIG plans. Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace and Military Families Speak Out will join with the survivors of the Gulf Coast hurricanes in a march from Mobile, Alabama to New Orleans, Louisiana to show the connections between the war on the poor at home and the wars abroad. This kind of march is unprecedented, it will be led and organized by the people in this country who are most affected by the racist, classist government which terrorizes it’s own people and the rest of the world. The march will end in New Orleans where the whole world is invited and to see & to hear what survivors’ lives and hearts are like. There will be a show/concert/exhibit by veteran artists through poetry, music, visual art, cinematography, photography, etc.

I want to dedicate my life to helping make all this happen, and I am asking you for your support. Please consider donating $20-100 so that I can pay my rent, cell phone and groceries and commit all of my time to supporting these vets, my friends, and stopping this disgusting war.

I appreciate your time and love always,
Lovella Calica
IVAW website:


At 8:58 PM, Blogger DOWNRIVER PLUMBER said...



At 1:43 AM, Blogger Plumber Dearborn said...


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