Tuesday, September 14, 2004

so, i really need to blog more. Carl, you've inspired me. He's not a blogger, but he is a very dedicated reader. i think that makes blogging so much more special. anyway, big things have been going on lately. i was recently in NYC for a week for RNC stuff, too bad i didnt get to see many of my friends, as i had hoped. then i went home. that was great, got to see the family, including four beautiful baby nieces!!! but of course, it was strange to be there and sad to leave and come back and be alone. good news is that i'm moving tomorrow, with two women that I'm excited to live with. other good news, i plan on going to boston for the dodge poetry festival. i need more details, so if anyone has them, please let me know asap. of course, theres lots of other stuff, happy and SAD going on too, the deeper meanings of all this frolicking around the country and state and where and how my heart is being pulled and stuff but anyway, i'll try to get to that soon. i miss you New Yorkers and i hope to see all of you in Boston, if not on the way there... Let me know who's going.

Love you all!


At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post; I do appreciate your blogging efforts. - Carl


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